10mm Or 20mm Telescope Lens For Moon. The eyepiece of 10mm focal length is suitable for close-up observations, whereas one with a focal length of 20mm… There are a variety of magnification levels,. Basically the 10mm gives twice the magnification of the 20mm.The 10mm is best used for looking at the moon and planets. The 20mm is best used for star clusters,.
When it comes to observing the moon through a telescope, it’s important to choose the right lens. A 10mm or 20mm telescope lens are two common choices, each offering their own advantages and disadvantages. Here, we look at each in detail to help you decide which one is best for you.
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10mm Telescope Lens
A 10mm telescope lens will provide you with a very clear view of the moon. It offers the highest power possible for a given telescope, allowing you to see the most detail and features. This is great for those who want to observe lunar features in detail, such as craters, mountains and valleys.
However, a 10mm telescope lens will also give you the narrowest field of view. This means that you won’t be able to see a lot of the moon at once, making it difficult to spot larger features or patterns.
20mm Telescope Lens
A 20mm telescope lens offers a much wider field of view than the 10mm lens, allowing you to see more of the moon in one go. This is great for those who want to observe the moon’s larger features and patterns, such as the dark and bright regions that make up the “Man in the Moon” pattern.
However, the 20mm telescope lens also has a lower power than the 10mm lens, meaning that you won’t be able to see as much detail. This makes it less suitable for those who want to observe the moon’s finer features.
In summary, it really comes down to what you want to observe. If you’re looking for detailed features, such as craters and mountains, then a 10mm telescope lens is the best choice. However, if you want to observe the moon’s larger features and patterns, then a 20mm telescope lens is the better option.
No matter which one you choose, both lenses will provide you with a clear view of the moon and are great for lunar observation. So make sure to consider what you want to observe before making your decision.
Celestron 10mm and 20mm basic eyepiece overview by Northern Optics
Of a similar optical design to the Skywatcher modified achromatic designs and perfect for starter telescopes. Much better build and optical quality than some other unbranded budget eyepieces. Both have their own attributes. The 10mm gives a little more magnification. The 20mm gives a wider view with good contast. It does however have an internal body wall that is a little polished, causing some reflection on light. Thank you for…
Variable Polarizing Filter For Viewing the moon, planets, or deep-sky objects-20%. Quick View. Compare. Wishlist. … 1.25 inch 20mm SuperView eyepiece, 68 degree apparent. 20mm telescope eyepiece excels at low power scanning of open star clusters and viewing of nebulas and larger galaxies. Offers a 52-deg apparent field of view for clear, sharp., 10mm Or 20mm Telescope Lens For Moon.