Orion 4 5 Short Tube Telescope

randall edwards

Randall Edwards

Fun Tube

Orion 4 5 Short Tube Telescope.

Orion 4 5 Short Tube Telescope
surce: homesciencetools.com

The Orion 4.5 inch Short Tube Telescope is a great entry-level telescope for budding astronomers. This telescope offers a great combination of portability and affordability. It features a 4.5-inch (114mm) aperture which allows for clear viewing of the moon, planets, galaxies and nebulae. This telescope comes with a 600mm focal length and a 1.25-inch rack and pinion focuser, making it easy to achieve sharp and clear images of the night sky.

The telescope also comes with two eyepieces, a 10mm and a 25mm, allowing for a wide range of magnifications. The 25mm eyepiece offers a 24x magnification while the 10mm eyepiece provides a 60x magnification. Additionally, the telescope has a wide field of view and a long eye relief, making it easy to observe the night sky in comfort.

Setting up the telescope is relatively easy. To begin, attach the telescope tube to the mount and tighten the thumbscrews. Then, attach the finder scope and the two eyepieces. Finally, attach the counterweight and the counterweight shaft.

Using the telescope is also straightforward. To begin, point the telescope in the direction of the desired object. Next, adjust the focuser to bring the image into sharp focus. Finally, use the slow motion controls to make any fine adjustments.

The Orion 4.5 inch Short Tube Telescope is a great telescope for those who are just starting out in astronomy. It is easy to set up, use and transport, making it perfect for viewing the night sky on the go. With its great combination of portability, affordability and performance, this telescope is sure to please any budding astronomer.

For a great entry-level telescope to explore the night sky, the Orion 4.5 inch Short Tube Telescope is the perfect choice. It offers a great combination of portability, affordability and performance, making it an ideal choice for those just starting out in astronomy.

FOR BEGINNERS – Part 1/2. Review of the Orion Short Tube 80 Telescope

FOR BEGINNERS The price has actually come down quite a bit since its introduction in the 1990s. The newest version(s) sell for well under $200, and some of those even include a mount! Orion sold the optical tube (OTA) only for as little as $109. Early versions had a 6X30 finder and generic eyepieces. Later versions came with a much better 8X40 finder and better Expanse eyepieces, usually 20 mm and 6 mm, and sometimes they even threw in…

Orion ShortTube 4.5″ EQ Reflector. f/8.8, 5×24 Viewfinder, eyepiece 1.25″ Kellner, EQ 1 tripod. These orion telescopes are good for children or anyone who wants. The telescope has a 1000 mm focal length through reflection and a built in barlow. The eyepieces were 1.25" pieces of 25mm and 10mm giving me 40x and 100x., Orion 4 5 Short Tube Telescope.