How To Make Tubing In Solidworks

randall edwards

Randall Edwards

Metal Tube

How To Make Tubing In Solidworks

Making tubing in Solidworks is an easy process, but requires some knowledge of the program and some time for setup. In this article, we will discuss the basics of how to make tubing in Solidworks and how to set up your tubing correctly.

Create the base tube

The first step in making tubing in Solidworks is to create the base tube. This will be the starting point of your tubing. To do this, you will need to use the “Tube” command in the Solidworks part menu. This will bring up a dialog box where you will enter the parameters for the base tube, such as the length, diameter, and wall thickness. Once you have entered the parameters, click “OK” to create the tube.

Once the base tube is created, you can use the “Extrude” command to create the desired length and shape of the tubing. This is done by selecting the edges or faces of the base tube that need to be extended or reduced. Once the desired length and shape are achieved, click “OK” to complete the extrusion.

Creating bends

To create bends in the tubing, you will need to use the “Bend” command in the Solidworks part menu. This will bring up a dialog box where you will enter the parameters for the bend, such as the angle, radius, and offset. Once you have entered the parameters, click “OK” to create the bend.

Once the bend is created, you can use the “Revolve” command to make the tubing follow the bend. This is done by selecting the faces of the tube that need to be revolved. Once the desired shape is achieved, click “OK” to complete the revolve.

Creating junctions

To create junctions between the tubing, you will need to use the “Junction” command in the Solidworks part menu. This will bring up a dialog box where you will enter the parameters for the junction, such as the type of junction (tee, elbow, etc.) and the angles between the tubing. Once you have entered the parameters, click “OK” to create the junction.

Once the junction is created, you can use the “Union” command to connect the tubing together. This is done by selecting the faces of the tubes that need to be connected. Once the desired shape is achieved, click “OK” to complete the union.

With these steps, you can create your own tubing in Solidworks. It may take some time to set up the parameters correctly, but once you have done so, you will have a complete and accurate tubing assembly.

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