Double Telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978

randall edwards

Randall Edwards

Metal Tube

Double Telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978. S – $75,000 to $100,000 Item Description AFA graded and encapsulated 12 Back-A blister card contains 3.75" tall action figure of Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi from Kenner's popular.

Double Telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978
surce: The Hot Bid

The double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 is a unique light saber that was used by Obi Wan Kenobi in the movie Star Wars: A New Hope. This light saber had a unique feature which was the ability to extend and retract its length. This feature was accomplished by having two telescoping sections that could slide within one another.

Construction of the Double Telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978

The double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 was constructed with two main parts. The first part was a main hilt made of aluminum and plated in gold. This hilt held the electronics for the light saber and provided the structural support for the two telescoping sections. The second part was the two telescoping blades which were made of stainless steel. These two blades were connected to one another via a hinge and were able to slide in and out of the main hilt.

The main hilt of the double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 was made of aluminum and plated in gold. This hilt held the electronics for the light saber and also provided the structural support for the two telescoping sections. The hilt was quite compact and measured approximately 12.2 inches in length when fully extended. The hilt also had a black handle which was made of rubber and provided a secure grip.

The two telescoping blades of the double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 were made of stainless steel and measured approximately 11.5 inches in length when fully extended. These two blades were connected at the base via a hinge and were able to slide in and out of the main hilt. When the blades were fully extended, they formed a single blade measuring approximately 23 inches in length.

The double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 was powered by two AA batteries which were housed in the main hilt. When activated, the light saber was able to produce a bright and powerful beam of light which could be used to cut through objects. The light saber also had a special feature which allowed it to retract its length when not in use. This feature was controlled via a switch on the main hilt and allowed the user to quickly and easily retract the light saber when not in use.

The double telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978 was a unique light saber that was used by Obi Wan Kenobi in the movie Star Wars: A New Hope. This light saber had a unique feature which was the ability to extend and retract its length. This feature was accomplished by having two telescoping sections that could slide within one another. The hilt and blades were made of aluminum and stainless steel respectively and the light saber was powered by two AA batteries. This light saber was able to produce a powerful beam of light and could be retracted when not in use.

Extremely Rare Double Telescoping Star Wars Figures!

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An AFA 90 Double-Telescoping Luke Skywalker sold earlier this year at auction for $100,252. This Double-Telescoping Obi-Wan Kenobi is infinitely rarer as carded, and., Double Telescoping Obi Wan Kenobi 1978.

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